Navajamo literaturo v tujem jeziku povezano z medijsko pismenostjo. V primeru, da imate informacijo o dodatnem viru nas prosim obvestite.
Konference, poročila in zborniki
- Agencija za elektroničke medije (2017): Medijska pismenost – abeceda za 21. stoljeće. Dostop prek:
- Conference on Children’s Online Worlds, Digital Media and Digital Literacy, 24-25 May 2019, Athens, Greece. Dostopno prek:
- EAVI ( 2017): Media, Information and Digital Literacy Organisations in Europe. Dostopno prek:
- European Commission (2021): Mehanizmi, ki oblikujejo družbene medije in njihov vpliv na družbo – Poročilo o stanju na področju raziskav. Dostopno prek:
- European Commission (2022): Report on the European Media Literacy Week 2022. Shaping Europe’s digital future. Dostopno prek:
- European Commission (2023): Shaping Europe’s digital future. Politics: Media Literacy. Dostopno prek:
- European Commission Directorate – General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (2016): Media and Learning Conference. Dostopno prek:
- European Audiovisual Observatory (2016): Mapping of media literacy practices and actions in EU-28: EAO report. Dostopno prek:
- European Audiovisual Observatory (IRIS) (2019): Report of the activities carried out to assist the European Commission in the intermediate monitoring of the Code of practice on disinformation (ERGA Report). Dostopno prek:
- European Audiovisual Observatory (IRIS) (2020): Erga Report On Disinformation: Assessment Of The Implementation Of The European Code Of Practice. Dostopno prek:
- Gabinete de Comunicación in drugi (2009): Study on the Current Trends and Approaches to Media Literacy in Europe. Dostopno prek:
- Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2018, UNESCO. Dostopno prek:
- High-level conference of the European Media Literacy Week – 19. 3. 2019, Brussels. Dostopno prek:
- Meetings of the Media Literacy Expert Group (2016), Brussels. Dostopno prek:
- Mertnik, Matej (2021): 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO: Za človeka gre: Digitalna transformacija v znanosti, izobraževanju in umetnosti / Zbornik povzetkov. Maribor: AMEU – ECM, Alma Mater Press. Dostop prek:
- NIJZ in WHO (2017): Workshop on digital marketing to children- Methodological challenges for linking public health siloses, Ljubljana, 12th October 2017. Dostopno prek:
- NIJZ (2017): Vzgoja v dobi digitalnih medijev. Dostopno prek:
- Pyzalski, Jacek, Walter, Natalia et al (2020): Report on Interviews with Experts on Digital Skills in Schools and on the Labour Market: YSkills Project Report. Dostopno prek:
- Witt, Susane in Julia Lyss (2019): Critical media literacy and adult learning. Thematic dossier. Bonn: German institute for Adult Education. Dostopno prek: https:// default/files/en_20181130_ dossier_kritische_ medienkompetenz_und_ erwachsenenbildung_final_ anderungen.pdf
Pravna baza podatkov IRIS Merlin pokriva vse avdiovizualne medije, vsa ključna področja, vse ključne akterje, ves pravni razvoj od leta 1995. IRIS Merlin vsebuje 9545 kratkih opisnih člankov, ki temeljijo izključno na dejstvih z 8628 referencami (zakoni, uredbe, sodni primeri itd.). Dokumentacija je dostopna v angleškem, francoskem in nemškem jeziku.
- European Audiovisual Observatory(2023): IRIS MERLIN. Dostopno prek:
Knjige in znanstvene monografije
- Apple, W. Michael et. al eds. (2009): The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Education. Routledge. Dostopno prek:,+W.+Michael+et.+al+eds.+(2009):+The+Routledge+International+Handbook+of+Critical+Education.+Routledge.&hl=sl&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjK4viKzPv7AhU3cvEDHeyTCLcQ6AF6BAgFEAI#v=onepage&q=Apple%2C%20W.%20Michael%20et.%20al%20eds.%20(2009)%3A%20The%20Routledge%20International%20Handbook%20of%20Critical%20Education.%20Routledge.&f=false
- Alvermann, D. E., Moon, J. S., Hagwood, M. C., & Hagood, M. C. (2018). Popular culture in the classroom: Teaching and researching critical media literacy. Routledge.
- Alvermann, D. E., Moon, J. S., Hagwood, M. C., & Hagood, M. C. (2018). Popular culture in the classroom: Teaching and researching critical media literacy. Routledge.
- Barney, Oram and Newman, James (2006): Teaching Video Games. British Film Institute. Dostopno prek:
- Bošković, Milica, Gordana Misev, Nenad Putnik (2023): Analyzing new forms of social disorders in modern virtual environments. Hershey: IGI Global, Information Science Reference.
- Buckingham, David (2013): Media Education: Literacy, Learning and Contemporary Culture. Polity Press. Dostopno prek:,+Learning+and+Contemporary+Culture.+Polity+Press&hl=sl&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Media%20Education%3A%20Literacy%2C%20Learning%20and%20Contemporary%20Culture.%20Polity%20Press&f=false
- Burn, Andrew in Durran, James (2007): Media Literacy in Schools: Practice, Production and Progress. SAGE. Dostopno prek:
- Campbell, R., Martin, C., & Fabos, B. (2018). Media essentials: A brief introduction. Bedford/St. Martin’s.
- Cannon, M. (2018). Digital Media in Education: Teaching, Learning and Literacy Practices with Young Learners. Springer.
- Carr Nicholas G. (2011). Plitvine: kako internet spreminja naš način razmišljanja, branja in pomnjenja. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba.
- Christ G. William (2006): Assessing Media Education: A Resource Handbook for Educators and Administrators, L. Erlbaum. Dostopno prek:,+L.+Erlbaum.&hl=sl&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiGn5-Tzfv7AhWNX_EDHZwsD6MQ6AF6BAgHEAI#v=onepage&q=Christ%20G.%20William%20(2006)%3A%20Assessing%20Media%20Education%3A%20A%20Resource%20Handbook%20for%20Educators%20and%20Administrators%2C%20L.%20Erlbaum.&f=false
- Coiro, J., Knobel, M., Lankshear, C., & Leu, D. J. (Eds.). (2014). Handbook of research on new literacies. Routledge.
- Cortoni, Ida (2011): Young digizen? New Cultural Challenges in Media Education. : Milano: FrancoAngeli. Dostopno prek:
- De Abreu, B. S., Mihailidis, P., Lee, A. Y., Melki, J., & McDougall, J. (Eds.). (2017). International Handbook of media literacy education. Taylor & Francis.
- Divina Frau-Meigs, Irma Velez, Julieta Flores Michel (2017). Public Policies in Media and Information Literacy in Europe. Cross-Country Comparisons, 1st Edition. Routledge.
- Dobek-Ostrowska, Bogusława, Jelena Kleut (2023): Media systems in Balkan countries : context and dynamics of changes. Berlin: P. Lang, cop.
- EAVI – European Association for Viewers’ Interests (2011): Testing and Refining Criteria to Assess Media Literacy Levels in Europe. Bruselj, Belgija: European Commission. Dostopno prek:
- EAVI (2011): Testing nad Refining Crteria to Assess Media Literacy Levels in Europe. Final Report, April 2011. Commissioned by the European Comission Directorate-General for Information Society and Media by EAVI and Danish Technological Institute. Dostopno prek:
- Edgar Patricia in Edgar Don (2008): Television, Digital Media and Children’s Learning. VCAA. Dostopno prek:
- EuroMeduc (2009): Media literacy in Europe Controversies, Challenges and perspectives. Bruselj, Belgija: EuroMeduc. Dostopno prek:
- Faiola, Anthony et. al (2010): Extending Knowledge Domains for New Media Education: Integrating Interaction Design Theory and Methods. New Media & Society, 10 (12), 691-709. Dostopno na:
- Fedorov, Alexander (2012): The Contemporary Mass Media Education in Russia: In Search for New Theoretical Conceptions and Models. Acta Didactica Napocensia, 5(1), 2012. Dostopno prek:
- Ferguson, Christopher J. in drugi (2010): Violent Video Games, Catharsis Seeking, Bullying, and Delinquency: A Multivariate Analysis of Effects Crime & Delinquency. DOI: 10.1177/0011128710362201
- Ferguson, Susan (2011): Classroom Contradictions: Popular Media in Ontario Schools’ Literacy and Citizenship Education Policies. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 6 (2), pp. 137-151. Dostopno prek:
- Flere in drugi (2013): Slovenska Mladina 2013: Življenje v času deziluzij, tveganja in prekarnosti. Slovenija
- Flew, T. (2018). UNDERSTANDING GLOBAL MEDIA (INTERLOAN 329770). Macmillan International Higher Education.
- Formby Susie (2014): Practitioner perspectives: Children’s use of technology in the Early Years. v: National Literacy Trust Pearson., str.: 1-61.
- Garrison Michelle M. in Christakis Dimitri A. (2012): The Impact of a Healthy Media Use Intervention on Sleep in Preschool Children. Pediatrics., let.: 130, št.: 3.
- Genc Zulfu (2014): Parents’ Perceptions about the Mobile Technology Use of Preschool Aged Children. v: Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences Elsevier, let.: 146, str.: 55-60.
- Gentile, Douglas (2009): Pathological Video-Game Use Among Youth Ages 8 to 18. Psychological Science.
- Gentile, Douglas in drugi (2012): Video Game Playing, Attention Problems, and Impulsiveness: Evidence of Bidirectional Causality. Psychology of Popular Media Culture., let.: 1, št.: 1, str.: 62-70.
- Given Lisa M. in drugi (2014): Documenting Young Children’s Technology Use: Observations in the Home. v: 77th ASIS&T Annual Meeting Seattle, WA, USA., str.: 1-9.
- Grizzle, Alton, Wilson, Carolyn et al. (2021): Media and information literate citizens: think critically, click wisely! France, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Dostopno prek:
- Macedo, Donaldo in Steinberg, R. Shirley eds. (2007): Media Literacy. A Reader. Peter Lang Publishing. New York. Dostopno prek:,+Donaldo+in+Steinberg,+R.+Shirley&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiWt-Kcyfv7AhX9g_0HHeBGB9AQ6AF6BAgDEAI#v=onepage&q=Macedo%2C%20Donaldo%20in%20Steinberg%2C%20R.%20Shirley&f=false
- Potter, W. J. (2018). Media literacy. Sage Publications.
- Semali, L. (2018). Intermediality: Teachers’ Handbook Of Critical Media Literacy. Routledge.
- Semali, L. (2018). Intermediality: Teachers’ Handbook Of Critical Media Literacy. Routledge.
- Tyner, Kathleen (2010): Media Literacy: New Agendas in Communication. Routledge. Dostopno prek:
- Vodeb, Oliver, Rok Klemenčič (2023): Radical intimacies : designing non-extractive relationalities. Bristol,Chicago: Intellect.
- Yildiz, M. N., Funk, S. S., & De Abreu, B. S. (Eds.). (2017). Promoting Global Competencies Through Media Literacy. IGI Global.
Članki in druga literatura v tujem jeziku
- Aftab Alam, Muhammad (2012): Media Literacy in Pakistan. Institute for Research, Advocacy and Development (IRADA). Dostopno prek:
- Alvermann, E. Donna ed. (2010): Adolescents’ Online Literacies. Connecting Classrom, Digital Media & Popular Culture. Peter Lang Publishing, New York. Dostopno prek:
- Anand Sowmya in Krosnick Jon A. (2005): Demographic Predictors of Media Use Among Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers. v: American Behavioral Scientist. Sage Publications., let.: 48, št.: 5, str.: 539-561.
- Anderson, Craig A. in Dill, Karen E. (2000): Video Games and Aggressive Thoughts, Feelings, and Behavior in the Laboratory and in Life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology., let.: 78, št.: 4, str.: 772-790.
- Anderson, Craig A. in drugi (2003): The Influence of Media Violence on Youth. Psychological Science in The Public Interest., let.: 4, št.: 3
- Arke, Edward T.& Primack, Brian A. (2009): Quantifying media literacy: development, reliability, and validity of a new measure. EMI Educ Media., let.: 46, št.: 1
- Ashley, Seth et. al. (2013): Developing a News Media Literacy Scale. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 68 (1), pp. 7-21.Dostopno prek:
- Ashley, Seth, Poepsel, Mark & Erin Willis (2010): Media Literacy and News Credibility: Does knowledge of media ownership increase skepticism in news consumers?. Journal of Media Literacy Education., let.: 2, št.: 1
- Baek, Yu-Mi, Jeong-Min Lee and Kyu –Soo Kim (2013): A Study on Smart Phone Use Condition of Infants and Toddlers. v: International Journal of Smart Home, let.: 7, št.: 6, str.: 123-132.
- Baker, Jordan (2013): The Effects of Video Game Violence on Violent Crime. USF Sarasota-Manatee. Dostopno prek:
- Balaban-Sali, Jale (2012): New Media Literacies of Communication Students. Contemporary Educational Technology., let.: 3, št.: 4
- Batool-Anwar, Salma, Rebecca Robbins, Shahmir H. Ali, Ariadna Capasso, Joshua Foreman, Abbey M. Jones, Yesim Tozan, Ralph J. DiClementeStuart F. Quan (2023): Examining Changes in Sleep Duration Associated with the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Who is Sleeping and Who is Not? Behavioral Medicine DOI 10.1080/08964289.2021.2002800. Vol. 49, No. 2, p. 162 – 171.
- Boddum Megan R. (2013): Plugged in: A focused look at parents’ use of smartphones among children 2-5 years of age. ProQuest LLC.
- Boxer, Paul, Bushman, Brad J. in Moceri Dominic (2008): The Role of Violent Media Preference in Cumulative Developmental Risk for Violence and General Aggression. Youth Adolescence. DOI: 10.1007/s10964-008-9335-2
- Brown, Jane D. & Keller, Sarah N. (2000): Can the Mass Media Be Healthy Sex Educators?. Family Planning Perspectives., let.: 32, št.: 5
- Brown, Jane D., Pardun, Carol J. & Jackson, Christine (2006): Sexy Media Matter: Exposure To Sexual Content In Music, Movies, Television, And Magazines Predicts Black And White Adolescents’ Sexual Behavior, Pediatrics, Vol. 117 No. 4 April 1, 1018 -1027. Dostopno prek: ttp://
- Bucik, Nataša et al. (2005): Nacionalna strategija za razvoj pismenosti. Ljubljana, Slovenija: Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport. Dostopno prek:
- Buckingam, David (2010): Defining Digital Literacy. Medienbildung in neuwe Kulturraumen, pp. 59-71. Dostopno prek:
- Buckingham, D. (2015). Defining digital literacy-What do young people need to know about digital media?. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 10(Jubileumsnummer), 21-35.
- Buckingham, David (2005): The Media Literacy of Children and Young People. London, UK: Centre for the Study of Children Youth and Media Institute of Education. Dostopno prek:
- Buckingham, David: Defining digital literacy – What do young people need to know about digital media?. Dostopno prek:
- Bulger E, Monica (2012): Measuring media literacy in a national context: challenges of definition, method and implementation. Let.: 3, št.: 6. Medijske studije. Dostopno prek:
- Bushman,Brad J. in Anderson, Craig A. (2001): Media Violence and the American Public: Scientific Facts Versus Media Misinformation. American Psychologist. DOI: 10.1037//0003-066X.56.6-7.477, let.: 56, št.: 6, str.: 477-489.
- Cashmore, Jordan (2014): The ‘Fear of Crime-Media Feedback’ Cycle. Internet Journal of Criminology.
- Celot, P. ed. (2009): Study on Assessment Criteria for Media Literacy Levels: A Comprehensive View of the Concept Of Media Literacy and an Understanding of How Media Literacy Levels in Europe Should be Assessed. For the European Commission, Directorate General Information Society and Media and Media Literacy Unit; project coordinated by EAVI. Dostopno prek:
- Chang, Chiung-Sui et al. (2011): Developing and validating a media literacy self-evaluation scale (MLSS) for elementary school students. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology., let.: 10, št.: 2
- Charles Cheryl in Louv Richard (2009): Children’s Nature Deficit: What We Know – and Don’t Know. v: Children & Nature Network., str.: 1-32.
- Christakis, Dimitri A. (2008): The effects of infant media usage: what do we know and what should we learn? Acta Pædiatrica., let.: 98, str.: 8-16.
- Considine, David et. al (2009): Teaching and Reading the Millennial Generation Through Media Literacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literay, 52 (6), 471-481. Dostopno na:;jsessionid=1793BAFC200D1CA84434AE17F28D032D.d03t03
- Consoli, Angele in drugi (2013): Suicidal behaviors in depressed adolescents: role of perceived relationships in the family. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health., let.: 7, št.: 8
- Cooper Moore, david (2013): Bringing the World to School: Integrating News and Media Literacy in Elementary Classrooms. The Journal of Media Literacy, 5(1). Dostopno na:
- Craft, Stephanie, Maksl, Adam & Ashley, Seth (2013): Measuring news media literacy: How knowledge and motivations combine to create news-literate teens. USA: Boise State University. Dostopno prek:
- Davis M. in drugi (2015): Parents on Social Media: Likes and Dislikes of Sharenting. C.S. Mott Chidren’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health., let.: 23, št.: 2
- Downey Stella, Hayes Noirin in O’Neill Brian (2007): Play and Technology for children aged 4-12. v: Study commissioned by the Office of the Minister for Children, Government of Ireland. Centre for Social and Educational Research, Dublin Institute of Technology.
- Dringus, P. Laurie (editor-in-chief) (2013): The Internet and Higher Education, Special Issues, 13 (3), 101-176, Elsevier. Dostopno na:
- Duch Helena in drugi (2013): Association of Screen Time Use and Language Development in Hispanic Toddlers: A Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Study. v: Clinical Pediatrics Sage Publications., let.: 52, št.: 9, str.: 857-865.
- Duch Helena in drugi (2013): Screen time use in children under 3 years old: a systematic review of correlates. v: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, let.: 10, št.: 102
- Durak, H. Y., & Saritepeci, M. (2019). Modeling the effect of new media literacy levels and social media usage status on problematic internet usage behaviours among high school students. Education and Information Technologies, 1-19.
- EAVI – European Association for Viewers’ Interests (2009a): Study on Assesment Criteria for Media Literacy Levels. Bruselj, Belgija: European Commission. Dostopno prek:
- EAVI – European Association for Viewers’ Interests (2009b): Country profile SLOVENIA V4.0. Bruselj, Belgija: European Commission. Dostopno prek:
- Ersoy, M. (2019). Social Media and Children. In Handbook of Research on Children’s Consumption of Digital Media (pp. 11-23). IGI Global.
- Fournier, Loïs, Adriano Schimment, Alessandro Musetti, Valentina Boursier, Maèva Flayelle, Ilaria Cataldo, Vladan Starcevic, Joël Billieux (2023): Deconstructing the components model of addiction: an illustration through “addictive” use of social media. Addictive Behaviors DOI 10.1016/j.addbeh.2023.107694. Vol. 143 (August 2023), No. 107694.
- Golob, T., Makarovič, M., & Rek, M. (2023). Parents’ meta-reflexivity benefits media education of children. [La meta-reflexividad de los padres beneficia la educación mediática de los niños]. Comunicar, Vol. 76. Dostopno na:
2023-08 - Gori, Alessio, Eleonora Topino, Mark D. Griffiths (2023): The associations between attachment, self-esteem, fear of missing out, daily time expenditure, and problematic social media use: A path analysis model. Addictive Behaviors DOI 10.1016/j.addbeh.2023.107633. Vol. 141, No. 107633.
- Gudka, Maya, Gardiner, Kirsty L. K., Lomas, Tim (2023): Towards a framework for flourishing through social media: a systematic review of 118 research studies. Journal of Positive Psychology DOI 10.1080/17439760.2021.1991447. Vol. 18, No. 1, p. 86 – 105.
- Gutnick Aviva Lucas in drugi (2010): Always connected: The new digital media habits of young children. New York: The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop.
- Hainš,Violeta Vidaček, Kirinić, Valentina & Pletenac, Ksenija (2007): Media Literacy as Compared to Other Elements of the Information Literacy Model. Medijska istraživanja., let.: 13, št.: 1, str.: 69-84.
- Hargittai, Eszter et al. (2010): Trust Online: Young Adults’ Evaluation of Web Content. International Journal of Communication., let.: 4
- Hart, A. (2018). Textual pleasures and moral dilemmas: Teaching media literacy in England. In Media Literacy Around the World(pp. 199-211). Routledge.
- Hayes Jocelyn (2015): Critical Review: What is the impact of screen media use on language development of infants and toddlers?.
- Heins, Marjorie & Cho, Christina Media Literacy: An Alternative to Censorship, Dostopno na:
- Hesketh Kylie D, HinkleyTrina in Campbell Karen J. (2012): Children’s physical activity and screen time: qualitative comparison of views of parents of infants and preschool children. v: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, let.: 9, št.: 152, str.: 1-14.
- Hinkley Trina, Cliff Dylan in Okely Anthony D. (2015): Reducing electronic media use in 2–3 yearold children: feasibility and efficacy of the Family@play pilot randomised controlled trial. Hinkley in drugi. BMC Public Health., let.: 15, št.: 779
- Hobba, Renee in Cooper Moore, David (2013): Discovering Media Literacy. Teaching Digital Media and Popular Culture in Elementary School.SAGE Publications. Dostopno prek:
- Hobbs, Renee & Jensen, Amy (2009): The Past, Present, and Future of Media Literacy Education. Journal of Media Literacy Education.
- Hobbs, Renee (2010): Digital and Media Literacy: A Plan of Action. University of Rhode Island. Dostopno prek:
- Hobbs, Renee (2012): Digital and Media Literacy: Connecting Culture and Classroom. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 4 (1), 99-102. Dostopno na:
- Hobbs, Renee et. al (2011): Reflections on Global Developments in Media Literacy Education: Bridging Theory and Practice. The Journal of Media Literacy Education, 3(2). Dostopno na: (21.7.2016)
- Hobbs, Renee in Jensen, Amy (2009): The Past, Present and Future of Media Literacy Education. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 1, 1-11. Dostopno na:
- Holloway D. in drugi (2013): Zero to eight. Young children and their internet use. London: LSE.
- Holloway Donell in drugi (2009): 0-8: Young children’s Internet use. v: Edith Cowan University Research Online, ECU Publications
- Holloway Donell J., Green Lelia R. in Brady Danielle J. (2013): 0-8: Young children’s Internet use. V : Edith Cowan University Research Online, ECU Publications
- Huesmann, L. Rowell in D. Taylor, Laramie (2006): The Role of media Violence in Violent Behavior. Annu. Rev. Public Health. DOI: 10.1146/annurev.publhealth.26.021304.144640
- Jenkins Henry in drugi (2009): Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture; Media Education for the 21st Century. v: The MIT Press
- Jenkins, Henry et. al (2009): Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21. Century. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dostopno prek:
- Kafai, Y. B., Fields, D. A., & Searle, K. A. (2019). Understanding Media Literacy and DIY Creativity in Youth Digital Productions. The International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy, 1-10.
- Kara, Naif (2014): Media literacy. Volga Yayıncılık, 2(1), 414–420.
- Knupfer, Helena, Ariadne Neureiter, Matthes Jorg (2023): From social media diet to public riot? Engagement with “greenfluencers” and young social media users’ environmental activism. Computers in Human Behavior DOI 10.1016/j.chb.2022.107527. Vol. 139, No. 107527, p. 29.
- Koch, Timo K., Lena Frischlich, Eva Lermer (2023): Effects of fact-checking warning labels and social endorsement cues on climate change fake news credibility and engagement on social media. Journal of Applied Social Psychology DOI 10.1111/jasp.12959. Vol. 53, No. 6, p. 495 – 507.
- Kohout, Susann, Sanne Kruikemeier, Bakker, Bert N. (2023): May I have your Attention, please? An eye tracking study on emotional social media comments. Computers in Human Behavior DOI 10.1016/j.chb.2022.107495. Vol. 139 (February 2023), No. 107495.
- Kolray, Tibor (2011): The Media and the Literacies: Media Literacy, Information Literacy, Digital Literacy. Media, Culture & Society, 33 (2), pp. 211-221. Dostopno prek:
- Kostenuik Marcia in Ratnapalan Mohana (2010): Approach to adolescent suicide prevention. Canadian Family Physician., let.: 56, str.: 755-760.
- Kovačič, Andrej, Rek, Mateja (2016): Factors increasing media exposure of preschool children. The new educational review, 2016, vol. 45, str. 249-257. Dostop prek:
- Kupersmidt, J. B. (2010): Media Literacy Education for Elementary School Substance Use Prevention: Study of Media Detective. Pediatrics, 126 (3), 525-531. Dostopno prek:
- Kupersmidt, Janis B. in drugi (2012): Improving Media Message Interpretation Processing Skills to Promote Healthy Decision Making About Substance Use: The Effects of the Middle School Media Ready Curriculum. Journal of Health Communication. DOI: 10.1080/10810730.2011.635769, let.: 17, str.: 546-563.
- Lapierre Matthew A., Piotrowski Jessica Taylor in Linebarger Deborah L. (2012): Background Television in the Homes of US Children. v: Pediatrics, let.: 130, št.: 5, str.: 839-846.
- Lee, Alice; Lau, Jesus; Carbo, Toni in Gendina, Natalia (2013): Conceptual Relationship of Information Literacy and Media Literacy in Knowledge Societies: Series of Reserach Papers. Unated Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Dostopno prek:
- Lee, L., Chen, D. T., Li, J. Y., & Lin, T. B. (2015). Understanding new media literacy: The development of a measuring instrument. Computers & Education, 85, 84-93.
- Leung, Luis, Lee, S. N. Paul (2012): The Influences of Information Literacy, Internet Addiction and Parenting Styles on Internet Risks. New Media & Society. 14 (1), pp. 117-136.
- Liu, Xianchen (2004): Sleep and Adolescent Suicidal Behavior. SLEEP., let.: 27, št.: 7
- Livingstone, Sonia (2009): What is media literacy?. International Institute of Communications. Dostopno prek: (21.7.2016)
- Livingstone, Sonia, Couvering, Elizabeth Van & Nancy Thumin (2008): Converging traditions of research on media and information literacies: disciplinary, critical, and methodological issues. UK: London School of Economics.
- Livingstone, Sonia, Van Couvering, Elizabeth & Nancy Thumim (2005): Adult Media Literacy. London, UK: Centre for the Study of Children Youth and Media Institute of Education. Dostopno prek:
- Maksl, A., Ashley, S., & Craft, S. (2015). Measuring news media literacy. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 6(3), 29-45.
- Maksl, A., Craft, S., Ashley, S., & Miller, D. (2017). The usefulness of a news media literacy measure in evaluating a news literacy curriculum. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 72(2), 228-241.
- Marsh, Jackie in drugi (2005): Digital beginnings: Young children’s use of popular culture, media and new technologies. v: Literacy Research Centre, University of Sheffield
- Martens, Hans (2010): Evaluating Media Literacy Education: Concepts, Theories and Future Directions. Journal of Media Literacy Education., let.: 2, št.: 1, str.: 1-22.
- Martens, Hans (2010): Evaluationg Media Literacy Education: Concepts, Theories and Future Directions. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 2 (1), 1-22. Dostopno na:
- Martinsson, Johanna (2009): The Role of Media Literacy in the Governance Reform Agenda. Communication for Governance and Accountability Program (CommGAP). Dostopno prek: (21.7.2016)
- Marty, F. Paul et. al (2013): Scientific Inquiry, Digital Literacy and Mobile Computing in the Informal Learning Environments. Learning, Media and Technology. Published online: 08 Apr 2013. Dostopno na: (21.7.2016)
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Pripravili smo seznam izbranih filmov na temo medijev (medijske manipulacije, monopolizacije, nevarnih plati interneta in družbenih omrežij).
Opozorilo: dogodki in zgodbe v filmih so lahko izmišljeni. Gradiva naj služijo kot spodbuda za kritični premislek in izhodišče za diskurze.
Učinek Tiktoka. 2023. Katie Rice. Velika Britanija: BBC.
Britanska dokumentarna oddaja v kateri BBC-jeva novinarka Marianna Spring eno leto raziskuje škodljive posledice objav na Tiktoku v resničnem življenju.
Napovednik dokumentarnega filma si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Zasvojeni s tehnologijo. 2022. Alejandra Andrade, Tomás Ocaña. Španija: Onza, Alejandro G. Roemmers.
Španska dokumentarna oddaja, ki govori o vzrokih in posledicah, ki jih ima nepravilna raba sodobne tehnologije.
Dokumentarni film je v sklopu projekta Digitalno varni ob dnevu varne rabe interneta predvajala RTV SLO. Več o projektu si lahko preberete tukaj.
Instagram: No Filter / Instagram: La Foire aux vanités. 2022. Olivier Lemaire. Francija: Capa Presse, ARTE, Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée (CNC), La Région Île-de-France, Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS).
Vsak dan je na Instagramu objavljenih več kot 100 milijonov fotografij. Aplikacija, ki jo dandanes uporabljamo dnevno, celo na dopustu ali ob obisku restavracije, se je razvila leta 2010. Takrat sta si dva študenta zamislila preprosto platformo za objavo fotografij s potovanj. Aplikacija je postajala vse bolj priljubljena in čez čas jo je za milijardo dolarjev odkupil gigant Facebook in s tem postopoma odprl vrata oglaševanju. Danes Instagram redno uporablja že poldruga milijarda ljudi. Nogometni zvezdnik Cristiano Ronaldo ima 403 milijone sledilcev, Kim Kardashian 260 milijonov, zvezde družbenih omrežij pa postajajo tudi običajni ljudje. Biti »vplivnež« je novodobni poklic, poklic uprizarjanja realnosti v ozadju katerega se najpogosteje skriva potrošnja. Na platformi Instagram posamezniki in številna podjetja sklepajo dobičkonosne posle. Hkrati aplikacija oblikuje in narekuje nove standarde vsakdanjega življenja in z uporabo algoritmov vpliva na vsebine, ki jih uporabniki objavljajo, in načine, kako orodje uporabljajo. Zdi se, da spodbuja zasvojenost. Vse to pa načenja pozitivno samopodobo in psihično zdravje mnogih uporabnikov, kar je še posebej skrb vzbujajoče med mlajšimi generacijami, mladostniki, na kar opozarjajo številni strokovnjaki.
Dokumentarni film si v francoskem jeziku v celoti lahko ogledate na platformi YouTube tukaj.
Ujete v medmrežju. 2020. Vit Klusak in Barbora Chalupova. Češka, Slovaška: MetFilm Distribution
Napovednik dokumentarnega filma si lahko ogledate tukaj.
The Social Dilemma. 2020. Jeff Orlowski-Yang. ZDA: Exposure Labs, Argent Pictures in The Space Program.
Dokumentarni film raziskuje nevaren vpliv družabnih omrežij na človeka, pri čemer tehnični strokovnjaki svarijo pred svojimi lastnimi stvaritvami.
Napovednik filma si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Digital détox, comment j’ai vécu 90 jours sans internet. 2015. Pierre-Olivier Labbé in Pierre-Louis Lacombe. Francija: Capa Presse.
Ali lahko obstajamo zunaj spleta? Pierre-Olivier Labbé je novinar, ki se za devetdeset dni umakne iz spleta, kar je pravi izziv v času pametnih telefonov, v medmrežje povezanih predmetov in novih tehnologij.
Napovednik filma si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Smartphones: The dark side. 2018. Matthew Hill. Velika Britanija: BBC Documentaries,
BBC News Channel, BBC One, BBC Productions, BBC Studios, BBC Two, BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Ljudje smo vse bolj priklenjeni na svoje pametne telefone in obsedeni s socialnimi mediji, toda zakaj? Novinarka Panorame Hilary Andersson izsledi tehnološke poznavalce, ki razkrijejo, kako so družbena omrežja namerno razvila tehnologijo za ustvarjanje navad, da bi ljudi zasvojila. Nekdanji upravitelj Facebooka pove programu: “Njihov cilj je, da vas zasvojijo in nato prodajo vaš čas”, ustvarjalec gumba “všeč mi je” pa opozarja na nevarnosti zasvojenosti s socialnimi mediji. Panorama raziskuje znanost, ki stoji za vabljivostjo tehnologije, in prikazuje, kako je bila vedenjska znanost uporabljena, da bi ljudje neskončno preverjali svoje telefone.
Napovednik za britanski dokumentarni film si lahko pogledate tukaj.
Ralph Breaks The Internet. 2018. Phil Johnston in Rich Moore. ZDA: Walt Disney Animation Studios.
Ralph Breaks the Internet je ameriška računalniško animirana komedija iz leta 2018, ki jo je produciral Walt Disney Animation Studios in distribuiral Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. V filmu dva prijatelja vstopita v internet, da bi našla rešitev za popravilo igre. Gre za nadaljevanje Wreck-It Ralph iz 2012.
Napovednik animiranega filma si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Disconnect. 2012. Henry Alex Rubin. ZDA: LD Entertainment, Exclusive Media Group in Wonderful Films.
Disconnect je ameriška psihološka drama, ki raziskuje, kako ljudje doživljajo negativne strani sodobne komunikacijske tehnologije, tako da sledi trem med seboj povezanim zgodbam.
Napovednik filma si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Every Day Is Like Sunday. 2011. Adam Curtis. UK. BBC – The Medium and the Message.
Dokumentarec iz leta 2011, ki vleče vzporednice med dramatičnim propadom medijskega mogotca Cecila Kinga v šestdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja in težavnim medijskim imperijem Ruperta Murdocha. Gre za grobi izrez filma, ki ga je Curtis objavil na svojem blogu BBC – The Medium and the Message (zdaj zaprt). Dokumentarec nikoli ni bil predvajan na BBC-ju, zato ni dokončane različice.
Film si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Socialno omrežje. 2010. David Fincher. ZDA: Columbia Pictures.
Socialno omrežje je zgodba o tem, kako je Mark Zuckerburg, ki ga igra Jesse Eisenburg, ustvaril Facebook in aplikacijo Facemash. Film razkriva strukturo družbenih omrežij, ponuja vpogled v logiko zbiranja in prikazovanja informacij in nas opozarja, kako hitro lahko družbeni mediji obremenijo naše medsebojne odnose.
Napovednik filma si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Zaupanje. 2010. David Schwimmer. ZDA: Nu Image, Dark Harbor Stories in Burk A Project.
Film govori o najstnici, ki postane tarča spletnega spolnega plenilca.
Napovednik filma si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Prepovedan sadež. 2005. David Slade. ZDA: Vulcan Productions in Launchpad Productions.
Hard Candy je ameriški psihološki triler, ki se osredotoča na 14-letno dekle, ki ujame in muči moškega, za katerega sumi, da je spolni plenilec. Film, ki je prejel več nagrad, opozarja na nevarnosti spogledljivih spletnih klepetov in anonimnost tamkajšnjih sogovornikov.
Napovednik filma si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism. 2004. Robert Greenwald. ZDA. Brave New Films
Dokumentarec o konservativni pristranskosti Fox News Channel (FNC) v lasti Ruperta Murdocha, ki se promovira kot “pošten in uravnotežen”. Gradivo vključuje intervjuje z nekdanjimi zaposlenimi v FNC in dopise med pisarnami, ki so jih posredovali.
Film si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media. 1992. Mark Achbar, Peter Wintonick. ZDA. Necessary Illusions.
Dokumentarni film o uglednem ameriškem jezikoslovcu/političnem disidentu in njegovem svarilu o vlogi korporativnih medijev v sodobni propagandi.
Film si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Vzgojno-izobraževalni filmi:
V 2021 so že četrtič potekali dnevi medijske pismenosti v organizaciji Agencije za elektronske medije (Hr) in UNICEF-a. V sklopu dogodka so nastala številna vzgojno-izobraževalna gradiva. Med drugim si lahko na spletni strani Medijska pismenost – abeceda za 21. stoljeće ogledamo več video vsebin na temo medijske pismenosti in kritičnega razmišljanja. Dostop prek: